The Topicals

Why We Made A Tea... Yes, That Kind Of Tea.

Why We Made A Tea... Yes, That Kind Of Tea.
Wait… a TEA?!? Like...tea?

Yes. Kind of. Not really. But kind of. Check this out…

For the folks interested in ingredients and the chemistry behind them, we’ve got some special reading for you today. 

It’s lengthier than usual, so grab yourself a hot cup and get ready to read all about ours.

But, do me a favor… As you pour that hot water over your favorite herbal remedy, watch what happens. 

Those swirls? They’re not just pretty colors. It’s the release of billions of bioactive compounds into what was just…water. Transforming a boiling cup of H20 into something much more.

Something capable of altering your mood, your energy, and your physical health.

A simple cup of tea can be incredibly powerful can’t it?
I mean, there’s a reason empires used to go to war over the stuff. 

But what does it have to do with cosmetics?

Allow me to introduce to you a concept I’m nearly positive you’ve yet to consider…

“The Aqueous Extract.”

Spin around a bottle of our Face Wash, our Body Wash, or our Shampoo or Conditioner and you’ll see it listed as THE VERY FIRST INGREDIENT.

What is it? Why does every other product on the market have “Water (Aqua)” listed as it’s first ingredient?

What is Aqueous Extraction?

Aqueous extraction is an advanced method of separating bioactive compounds from plants, using water as a solvent. Essentially, we "steep" extracts in water - just like a tea. 

Unlike products that simply use water as a base ingredient, an aqueous extract is jam-packed with the natural goodness of plants.

Here’s how it works:

Selection: We carefully choose the finest parts of plants like leaves, roots, flowers, or seeds, which are known for their beneficial compounds.

Preparation: These plant materials are dried and ground into a fine powder to maximize extraction efficiency.

Maceration: The powdered plant material is soaked in water, allowing the water-soluble compounds to be extracted over several days.

Heating: The mixture is gently heated to enhance the extraction process without degrading sensitive compounds.

Filtration and Separation: The mixture is filtered to separate the liquid extract from the solid plant residues.

Concentration and Purification: The extract is concentrated and purified to ensure the highest potency and purity.

Product Formulation: Finally, the potent extracts are formulated into our products, ready to deliver their benefits to your skin and hair.


The Plants We Extract

Our aqueous extraction process uses two renowned botanicals known for their exceptional skin and hair benefits:

🌼 Chamomile:

Soothing Irritation: Reduces redness and inflammation, perfect for sensitive skin.

Anti-Aging: Rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and reduce wrinkles.

Healing: Accelerates the repair of minor wounds and skin damage.

🌵 Aloe Vera:

Deep Hydration: Infuses skin and hair with moisture, maintaining a healthy glow.

Healing and Soothing: Promotes faster healing of burns and cuts, soothes irritated skin.

Balances Bacteria: Contains antimicrobial properties that help reduce acne-causing bacteria.


Why Don’t All Brands Use Aqueous Extraction?

It’s expensive and it’s time consuming (see above - painstaking stuff).

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, our products are not “cheap”.

If you want cheaper products, cheaply made with cheaper ingredients by companies that “cheap out” and cut costs where they can - they’re widely available at every drug and grocery store within a few blocks from where you live.

It’s also notoriously hard to mix with other ingredients. The added volatility of including something so powerful into your standard mix of cosmetics isn’t for the faint of heart.

It requires a unique level of precision, patience and expertise to execute perfectly.

This is why we produce our products in micro-batched runs of 250 units at a time.

Any time you use a basic maintenance product, you’re using the pinnacle of one profession.

Your 2 Minute Makeover Is Our Life’s Work

There aren’t enough lines in a blog or pages on our website to do justice to every detail we’ve taken to ensure we deliver nothing but the best.

You’ve entrusted us with the care of your skin and hair, your two most visible features, and the one’s that tell world a lot about who you are. 

We don’t take that lightly. 

And taking the time to transform a relatively mundane ingredient like water into a bioactive superhero is just one of the many lengths we’re willing to go for you.

What can I say...there’s the best. And then there’s….the rest.

Choose carefully. We sure did ;)

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How This "Evil Enzyme" Accelerates Your Skin's Aging Process

How This "Evil Enzyme" Accelerates Your Skin's Aging Process

Have you ever wondered why, despite your “cabinet full of cures,” your skin still looks weathered?

You’re diligently applying an entire spa’s worth of products, but still, those wrinkles and dry patches seem to persist...

Why is that?

Let’s chat about an often-overlooked culprit that might be sabotaging your skincare routine: a fierce and nasty little enzyme called Hyaluronidase.

Hyaluronidase: The “Hidden Villain” Behind Aging Skin

As we get older, our body ramps up its production of Hyaluronidase. This enzyme is a hidden, yet very active threat, terrorizing your skin and always fighting against you.

How? It actively blocks your skin’s natural production of Hyaluronic Acid – the very substance that keeps your skin hydrated, elastic, and youthful. 

It’s an invasive species, relentlessly breaking down the Hyaluronic Acid your skin desperately needs. It is, quite literally, an age-accelerant.

And the older we get, the more present it is

The result? Your skin struggles to retain moisture, loses its plumpness, and starts showing it.

Rough and blotchy patches, wrinkles and fine lines, even age spots persist because your skin has trouble doing one very critical job – staying hydrated.

Just How Harmful Is This Enzyme?

Look no further than what doctors use to dissolve “lip filler.” Dermal fillers – lips, cheek, chin, etc. – are nothing more than Hyaluronic Acid injections.

When it comes time to reverse the effects of the filling and break down all that Hyaluronic Acid, the area is given a second injection – of Hyaluronidase.

Why Your Current Products Never Seem To Work

Listen, there are countless products on the market that “boost” Hyaluronic Acid, but they don’t address the root cause of its decline.

They focus on adding moisture rather than stopping the culprit that’s draining your skin’s natural reserves.

This becomes like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it – you’re just never going to see the results you want.

Meet "PGA" - Your Skin’s Knight in Shining Armor

We’ve supercharged our Face Lotion and our Super Cream  with the only ingredient that can effectively thwart that evil enzyme, and it’s a game changer for your skin: Polyglutamic Acid (PGA).

How does PGA help?

🛡 Blocks Hyaluronidase: Stops the enzyme from breaking down Hyaluronic Acid, allowing your skin to retain its natural hydration and elasticity.

📈 Boosts Hyaluronic Acid Production: Encourages your body to produce more Hyaluronic Acid, enhancing moisture retention and skin plumpness.

💪 Enhances Collagen Production: Supports collagen synthesis, promoting firmer, more resilient skin.

⚔️ Protects Against Environmental Stressors: Antioxidant properties shield your skin from damaging free radicals and oxidative stress.

Why It Works

By incorporating PGA into our formulas, we’re not just keeping your skin hydrated; we’re targeting the root cause of chronic dehydration and its effects on aging.

We’re going to war for your skin with some seriously specialized artillery -- working tirelessly to keep it hydrated, full of elasticity, and radiating that picture-perfect glow.

The kind of ammunition that doesn't just give your skin a fighting chance – it arms it with the ultimate key to victory.

Ready to embrace the breakthrough power of PGA, and let Hyaluronidase be defeated once and for all?

Click here to discover your new secret weapon to enjoying a radiant, youthful complexion, free from one less enemy.
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Client Spotlight: An Interview With Cindy

Client Spotlight: An Interview With Cindy

On my quest to unearth the true impact of our "Picture Perfect Face" System, I encountered a story so authentic and inspiring that I just had to tell everyone - with permission of course. 

Meet Cindy, a vibrant 56-year-old mother of two, who graciously agreed to answer a few questions and share her candid journey! My goodness, it's a "skinterview!"

Cindy’s experience is one we can all relate to: navigating the overwhelming sea of beauty trends, promises, and products, all while searching for a routine that not only works but feels like a reflection of who we are. 

Her story is a testament to the power of simplicity, patience, and finding harmony in skincare that truly understands and adapts to our unique needs.

Why share the interview? Because it's more than just a success story; it's a reminder that the right approach can indeed turn skincare from a constant challenge into a source of joy and confidence.

so, without futher adieu...

Cindy, can you share how you first came across our brand and what drew you to try our products?

Honestly, I found your brand almost by accident, through a friend who swore by it. The 'Picture Perfect Face System' caught my eye because it promised no BS—just straightforward, effective skincare backed by real science. It was a breath of fresh air in a market full of over-the-top claims that never really seemed to work for me.

With so many options out there, what was it us and about our "Picture Perfect Face" System that caught your attention?

What really drew me in was the promise of simplicity, and seeing what it had done for my friend. I was also so done with 10-step routines. They drained my energy and didn't deliver. This system seemed different, like it actually understood what women my age were looking for. 

We’ve all been there! Trying new skincare routines always seems like fun. Until it’s not! Can you describe your initial experience with our products?

At first, I loved how my skin felt! More hydrated, more alive, less dull. But, as you recall from our conversation a few months ago -  those old habits die hard! Despite the initial good signs, I started experimenting thinking I could speed up the process. Spoiler alert: I couldn't!

It's common to seek quick fixes for long-standing skin issues. Did you find yourself adding other products into the mix? If so, what motivated that decision?

I thought adding more to the mix would help, driven by that little voice saying 'more is better.' It was a mix of impatience and the lure of those shiny new products on my facebook feed. Either way, I was wrong.  I don’t know, sometimes I think I have A.D.D. Like they say, the grass is not always greener!

How did your skin react when you started mixing in additional products with the "Picture Perfect Face System"?

It didn't like it. I definitely overdid it. Nothing bad happened, but nothing good happened either. Progress just kind of stalled, and my skin felt more easily irritated. It was like it was telling me, 'Hey, what are we doing here? You were doing so good!' I veered off course and it let me know it!

At what point did you realize that you might need to simplify your routine again, and what led you to that conclusion?

After we spoke! That's when it clicked. Your system was designed to work as is, and here I was, complicating things unnecessarily. I decided to cut out the noise and stick to the essentials. It was time to trust the process. You told me just be consistent with the two products, and to give them time. It was exactly what I needed to hear. 

I’m glad I could help with some extra advice during your skincare journey! Following that, how did your approach to using the system change?

I took a deep breath and pared back to just the system. Consistency became my new mantra. It was almost liberating to not be constantly chasing the next big thing. 

Patience is a virtue, especially with skincare. How long did it take before you started noticing the 'magic' happening, and what were the first signs of improvement?

Within weeks! The first thing was the redness. My skin started to calm down and clear up. Then, bit by bit, every day just got better! Everything looked smoother and tighter as time went on. It almost creeps up on you. It’s subtle. When I really took note is when I saw myself in some old selfies. That’s when it hit me. My teenage daughter commented on it too. It was the nicest thing she’d said to me in months!!

Looking back on your journey, what would you say to others who might be navigating similar skincare challenges? How have our products changed your perspective on skincare and self-care?

To anyone feeling overwhelmed by their skincare journey, I'd say: Keep it simple, and give it time. My experience is proof that with the right products and a bit of patience, real change is within reach. And trust me, if I can find my routine, so can you.

A big, BIG thank you to Cindy for allowing me to share this with everyone. All of these wins, big and small, really do mean the world to me.
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The Topicals: Taking Care Of Your Hair From The Outside

The Topicals: Taking Care Of Your Hair From The Outside


Cleanse, condition, dry, and style. Straightforward stuff, right? In other words - clean your hair, protect your hair, dry your hair, and then sculpt it into the shape you want. What more is there? As always, a lot. So we’ve put together some notes for you. A few basic considerations when approaching each phase of your hair care regimen. 


The Basics of Washing Your Hair

Be gentle.

Keep it simple, and for peace of mind, just avoid shampoos with strong surfactants - i.e. the ingredients that do the cleansing. You’ll hear a lot about Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - and while perfectly safe to use, it is still a very powerful cleanser with the potential to cause some undesirable results if used incorrectly. There’s also Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), which is similar but less powerful.

In general, harsher cleansing agents, especially if overused, can be irritating to your scalp and essentially strip your hair of its natural oils. They can degrade the integrity of the cuticle. They can even sever the protein bonds within your hair’s cortex.

It’s the other misinformed crap being bandied about regarding SLS that we don’t care to hear. For more information on this, check out our blog. 

Anyways, surfactants usually function as foamers, emulsifiers (so oils and water can exist in the same bottle), and oil extractors.

So, what to do?

Be gentle!

As a starting point, find a shampoo with some less abrasive substitutes. A couple examples you can look for on the ingredients list are Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, and Disodium Lauryl Sulfosuccinate. Get a conditioner to pair with it. More on that below.

Don’t wash your hair every day. This strips the natural oils from your scalp that are produced to lubricate the hair shaft and can expose your hair to more damaging agents. It becomes more brittle, less flexible and harder to manage. It erodes the natural balance of bacteria of your scalps microbiome.

But! Not washing your hair enough also has its downside. You can develop new scalp conditions or intensify existing ones. Cleansing your hair helps keep that bacteria build up in check which dictates the potential for dandruff. Again, balance is crucial.

Wash cycles will be a very personal thing, so experiment with different lengths of time in between washes for a couple weeks to see what works for you. On off days you can keep your hair dry, wet and massage it in the shower, or even wash with just your conditioner. This is what’s known as co-washing, aka no-’poo. Yes, hilarious. Co-washing is a method of cleaning and nourishing the hair only with conditioner and is helpful for people with excessively fragile and dry hair and sensitive scalps.

Sweat a lot? Cleanse more often. Feeling a little greasier than usual? Cleanse.


The Basics of Conditioning Your Hair

Conditioners protect your hair by smoothing down the cuticle. This reduces the chance for damage and makes the hair shaft softer, more flexible, more combable, and generally more manageable. It also helps it retain moisture.

Conditioners can be applied in the shower, after washing while hair is wet or dry, and in a concentrated amount as a deep conditioner before washing.

In-shower conditioners are the most common and are often formulated as part of a pair with a shampoo.

Leave-in conditioners, or conditioners you add after washing, are very helpful if you plan on doing any sort of styling. Look for something light (a thinner liquid) if you have thin hair that is weighed down easily. Thicker hair can stand up to and may require heavier conditioners like creams or liquids with more viscosity.

Finally, deep conditioners typically have the strongest effect, hence their name. If your hair still feels dry or rough after using in-shower or leave-in conditioners, try a deep conditioning formula once every one to two weeks. Depending on the amount of conditioning you're looking for and what ingredients you favor, you can put it on for a few minutes in the shower, apply it all over your head a couple hours before a wash, or - if you’re just a little different - apply it at night and sleep on it using a shower cap or old towel. Just remember to wash it out in the morning.

Chances are, if you’re like us - you’ll stick to a traditional in-shower conditioner of medium viscosity, chalk full of nutritional benefits. Look for conditioners with ingredients like coconut oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, and even olive oil. Extra virgin of course.


The Basics of Drying Your Hair

One of the most common sources of hair damage is due to the direct application of heat. Blow drying, heat styling, irons, straighteners, you name it. You’re playing with fire.

Oddly enough, there's some preliminary research that indicates complete air drying also damages the cell membrane complex between the cuticle and the cortex fibers, so go figure.

So what to do? 

Be gentle.

Take your towel and first soak up some excess water from your hair. Hold it there, wrap it up, whatever. Just don’t start rubbing your head with it like you’re trying to scrape tree sap off your car.

Air drying is the best for smoothness and shine, but consider using a protein treatment and/or penetrative deep conditioner from time to time to conserve the integrity of your cell membrane complex and avoid fragility and breakage.

If you’re going to blow dry, use low heat. Takes a little longer but your coiff’ will thank you down the road.


The Basics of Styling Your Hair

Styling regimen is a very personal preference that people tailor to their own unique hair over time, so we won't presume to advise on any specific styling technique here.

But, as always, we’ve got a few rules for you when choosing styling products.

Avoid products with short-chain alcohols. Some examples of short-chain alcohols are SD alcohol, alcohol denat., propanol, propyl alcohol, and isopropyl alcohol. These are included in products to decrease drying time and make the product spread more easily. The problem is they also dry out the hair by pulling out moisture. Dry hair is more susceptible to breakage, damage, and frizz.

"Good alcohols" on the other hand include lauryl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, and behenyl alcohol. These are long-chain molecules that act like conditioners by smoothing the hair cuticle. Just be careful not to use too much, as that can make the hair feel weighed down and greasy.

Silicones have the same conditioning effect, but can be more difficult to wash out and therefore can build up over time with undesirable consequences.

Consider hair products that do more than just style your hair. Products that have some benefit beyond just hold and shine. Nutritionally dense options that help and heal your hair and scalp while still performing their styling functions. 



Bellare, J., Iyer, R., Mainkar, A., & Jolly, C. (2001). A study on the conditioning effects of natural shampoos using the scanning electron microscope. International Journal Of Cosmetic Science.

Bories, M.F., Martini, M.C., Et M., & Cotte, J.(1984). Effects of heat treatment on hair structure. International Journal of Cosmetic Science.

Garcia, M.L. & Diaz, J. (1976). Combability measurements on human hair. J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem.

Kelly, S.E, & Robinson, V.N.E. (1982). The effect of grooming on the hair cuticle. *J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem.

Lee, Y., Kim, Y-D., Hyun, H-J., Pi, L-Q., Jin, X., & Lee, W-S. (2011). Hair shaft damage from heat and drying time of hair dryer. Annals of Dermatology.

Mainkar, A. & Jolly, C. (2001). Formulation of natural shampoos. International Journal Of Cosmetic Science.

McKay, T. Good vs. Bad Alcohol in Hair Products.

Rebenfeld, L., Weighmann, H.D., & Dansizer, C. (1966). Temperature dependence of the mechanical properties of human hair in relation to structure. J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists.

Sandhu, S., Ramachandran, R., & Robbins, C. (1995). A simple and sensitive method using protein loss measurements to evaluate damage to human hair during combing. J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem.

Vozmediano, Carbajo, Vozmediano, J., et al. (2000). Evaluation of the irritant capacity of decyl polyglucoside. International Journal Of Cosmetic Science.


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The Topicals: Taking Care Of Your Skin From The Outside

The Topicals: Taking Care Of Your Skin From The Outside


Healthy Skin. What does it mean? What do you do? How do you do it? What’s the goal? 

Valid questions.

Skin health. Skincare. Caring for your skin. Caring about your skin. Keeping your skin healthy. Like everything else  in the world of wellness - it really doesn’t need to be confusing. Blame the skincare companies for that. BIG SKINCARE.

Anyways, let’s start with the basics. The vaunted “skincare routine”. Topical care. The one that takes some of you 45 minutes each night - and you’re still not happy with their results.

Here’s a little secret. Big Skincare doesn’t want you to be happy. If your skin was healthy by doing less, they’d sell less. Conspiracies abound. Products create problems that other products can solve, and the cycle continues. They’ll sell a product that dries the skin out, suggest one that then hydrates it, and so on and so forth. It’s really quite brilliant to be honest.

Many of you are happy to talk yourselves into a $400 bill at Sephora all in the name of “self-care sunday”. Not us. We don’t have time for the bullshit. Give us a product that does exactly what it says it will, and exactly what we expect it to - fast.

Like always, we stick to the basics.


3 Steps To Maintaining Healthy Skin


Wash it.

Cleanse. Wash. Clean. Scrub. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. Just do it. Daily.

You wash everything else don’t you?

Regular skin cleansing is essential to maintaining healthy skin. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, but half of us simply never took a minute to think about it.

Washing removes build-up. Of what? Dirt. Excess oil. Sweat. Bacteria. Other unwanted debris. Throughout the day your skin is exposed to all of these. Air pollution alone should be cause for concern. By the end of the day, your skin is quite literally covered in any number of impurities. Please, for the love of your face, remove them. If you don’t - nothing else really matters.

Any build-up on top of your skin is bad. Very bad. It creates a blockage. It blocks proper oil production. It blocks proper sweat production. It blocks proper skin cell turnover. The dead skin cells just sit there. All of this allows bacteria to thrive. That bacteria eventually penetrates the skin through the hair follicle and causes inflammation.

Seriously. Start washing your face. Choose a proper face wash - gentle is always better.  Wash twice a day! No more, no less. A good rule of thumb is wash it when it's the dirtiest. Advanced stuff right there.

Always in the morning. Start fresh. The dreaded build-up over the course of the night is real. 

Get your face wet - in the shower, over the sink, whatever. Wash with your cleanser for like 30 seconds, then wash it off.

Try not to stand under the hot shower for too long. Your skin doesn't like that.

If you work out before you start your day - you'll want to add in a half measure of just rinsing your face with warm water out of bed. Then properly cleansing post-workout. Especially if you sweat. Any build-up blocks sweat and just creates a whole mess of problems.

Then cleanse before bed. The build-up over the course of the day is the worst. Wash this off. If you work out at night and wash your face right after the work-out, feel free to skip the pre-bed full cleanse and mix in a quick rinse.

Done. Now what?



Moisturizer. Lotion. Gel. Cream. Gel-cream. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. It’s what’s inside that counts. Use it. Daily.

Proper moisturization helps to repair, replenish and reinforce what your skin needs on a daily basis.

What does your skin need?

You’ll recall your skin’s role as a protective barrier. The castle walls. It keeps important chemicals, nutrients and vitamins in our body, and prevents harmful elements from entering it.

Keep it intact. Keep it functioning. Keep it protected.

The basic structure of this barrier can be thought of like the bricks and mortar you’d use to build those castle walls.

The bricks are flat, dead skin cells. We call them corneocytes.

The mortar is a mixture of fats - cholesterol, fatty acids, and another called ceramides. Skin Identical Ingredients known as Stratum Corneum Lipids. It’s this mixture that keeps your skin healthy, clear and resilient. It keeps the barrier intact.

If that barrier is compromised, your skin will show it. Inflammation, redness, breakouts, excess oil, a lack of oil, cracking, rashes, bumps - you name it - all due to a compromised barrier.

Our goal is to maintain this barrier. Fortify the castle walls.

Once the structure of the skin barrier is properly maintained, our concern is its function.

Skin barrier function is dependent on adequate hydration. Proper hydration maintains the skin’s plasticity and is crucial to the process of shedding dead skin cells - desquamation. BIG WORDS! In order to maintain hydration, the skin contains a number of elements referred to as Natural Moisturizing Factors. More Skin Identical Ingredients. These ones are highly efficient humectants that draw moisture from the atmosphere into the skin. The NMF are amino acids, derivatives of those amino acids, salts, sugars, lactic acid and urea - the end product of all broken down proteins.

Barrier intact. Barrier functioning. Now let’s reinforce it. How? By limiting “free radical” production. What are free radicals? Unstable, highly reactive molecules created by the body to neutralize pathogens. The problem is, environmental factors - such as radiation from the sun, pollution, smoke and other chemicals - trigger the production of more of them than our body needs. So they start attacking healthy cells.

Great! How do we fight them? Antioxidants. Antioxidants limit their damage and help your body recover.

Barrier Intact. Barrier Functioning. Barrier Protected. All due to using a proper moisturizer.

Choosing a proper moisturizer is key. So pick one ticks all 3 boxes. One that addresses the needs of your skin at a fundamental level. One to keep the barrier intact, keep it functioning, and keep it protected. Ignore all the noise. With that, you’ve got all your bases covered. No need to worry about anything else. Once that barrier is optimized, the little issues and flare ups you’ve become accustomed to start to dwindle.

Around here we like multi-functional products. One product that does the job of many. Ingredients to look for: Look for a lotion that includes a fatty concentrate of ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids. The mortar.

Look for a lotion that includes Natural Moisturizing factors. Some of these include  hyaluronic acid, urea, and amino acids. Ingredients that mimic NMF are equally effective. Some of these include polyglutamic acid and glycerin.

Look for a lotion with some antioxidants. Some of these include vitamin E, squalane, and resveratrol.

You're probably wondering when you should moisturize? Well, other than when it feels dry, the best option is right after you've washed it. Your freshly clean skin - free of build up - allows your moisturizer’s helpful ingredients to penetrate much more effectively. Access granted. And after washing your skin is still damp. Those Natural Moisturizing Factors draw water from the atmosphere - so damp skin gives them more to draw from. Brilliant.


Sun Protection.

Sunscreen. Sunblock. Sun Lotion. Sun Care. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. Just use it. Daily.

Protecting yourself from the sun’s ultraviolet rays is absolutely essential to maintaining good skin health. UV exposure is a powerful attack on the skin and its effects cannot be understated.

Unprotected exposure causes much more damage than just a sunburn. UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, permanently damaging the skin cells. It can trigger genetic defects - cancerous mutations. These rays also cause eye damage. Cataracts. Eyelid cancer. The majority of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers are due to sun exposure. Skin cancer is the most preventative form of cancer there is. The damage done by UV exposure is cumulative. Your body can repair some of the damage done to the DNA, but not all of it. The unrepaired damage builds up over time and triggers the mutations that can lead to malignant tumors.

Understanding the basics about UV radiation and how it damages your skin is an important first step for safeguarding yourself against sun damage, premature aging, and of course, skin cancer.

What is UV radiation? A part of the natural energy produced by the sun. It’s a light. A short wavelength, electromagnetic, invisible light. There are 2 types:

Ultraviolet A (UVA): Shorter wavelength rays. Associated with skin aging. Ultraviolet B (UVB): Longer wavelength ray. Associated with skin burning. UVA and UVB differ in how they affect the skin. But both do real harm.

UVB affects the outermost layer of skin. It is UVB that causes tanning, burning, and blistering. The intensity of UVB rays fluctuates. They are strongest during the late morning to afternoon period, during spring and summer, closer to the equator, and when reflected off snow or water. UVB rays can be filtered. They can not penetrate glass or cloud cover. UVB rays are associated with the SPF (Sun Protection Factor)  label on your suncare products. SPF tells you how long the sun’s UVB rays would take to redden your skin while using that particular product. Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 filters out approximately 97% of the sun’s UVB rays.

UVA also causes tanning, burning, and blistering. UVA rays are slightly less intense than UVB, but penetrate the skin much deeper. Exposure causes cellular damage to the innermost layer of your skin’s top layer. In order to protect itself from further damage - your skin darkens. It tans. Tanning is a defense mechanism of your skin. Unfortunately “a healthy tan” is simply not a real thing. Tanned skin is damaged skin. We know, the truth hurts. Over time, your skin becomes less resilient. This results in premature aging. It results in wrinkles. Sun spots. Blemishes. And of course, skin cancer. UVA rays are everywhere. They account for 95% of all UV rays reaching the earth. They maintain the same strength during all daylight hours. UVA rays, unlike UVB, cannot be filtered. They can penetrate windows and cloud cover. UVA is connected to the “Broad-Spectrum Protection” label on your suncare products.

Now for some good news.

The sun is nice! It’s warm, its bright, it is literally the source of life on earth. Exposure to the ultraviolet-B radiation from the sun’s rays is what causes your skin to create vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to good bone health. The sun improves your mood. It maintains your circadian rhythm and improves your sleep. It reduces stress. It strengthens your immune system.

But, everything in moderation. You’re still encouraged to get some sun. It’s just a matter of how much you get, and how you go about getting it. So, how do we moderate the sun? That’s where sunscreen comes in. What does sunscreen do? Easy. It screens the sun. It blocks it. How?

There are 2 types of sunscreen:

Chemical Sunscreens - Organic filters. Before we start, let’s get a few things out of the way.  Firstly, a gentle reminder that there is nothing wrong with chemicals. Everything is a chemical. Water, H20, is a chemical. Second, when it comes to sunscreen filters, we view ‘organic’ through a lens in a chemistry lab, not on the farm. Organic filters are carbon containing compounds.

Chemical sunscreens with organic filters work by absorbing radiation and converting it into a tiny amount of heat. The ingredients common in chemical sunscreens include oxybenzone, avobenzone, and octocrylene. These ingredients are especially effective in filtering and absorbing UVA radiation - broad spectrum protection. They then must be paired with UVB filters such as homosalate and octisalate to offer SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Chemical sunscreens tend to go on clear and feel weightless as they are fully absorbed by skin. However, certainly formulations can be quite oily. Chemical sunscreens are also more irritating to people with sensitive skin.

Physical Sunscreens - Inorganic Filters. Inorganic filters are mineral containing compounds. These are sometimes referred to as mineral sunscreens. Their function is twofold. They reflect and scatter the UV rays in order to protect your skin, as well as act as semiconductors to absorb the light and convert it into a tiny amount of heat. Multi-taskers. The ingredients common in physical sunscreens include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Physical sunscreens tend to leave a white cast, and are thicker but less greasy. Physical sunscreens are typically used in children and baby formulations, sensitive skin formulations, and facial formulations. They are generally less irritating and easier on the skin.

Great. So how do I decide?

Easy. Choose the one you'll use. Trial and error. Find one that doesn't bother you, or bothers you the least and use it. Religiously. If your skin isn’t terribly sensitive, opt for a chemical sunscreen. If you’re prone to breakouts or irritation, opt for a physical sunscreen. For our money, a combination product is the safest bet. It will have close to the look and feel of a full chemical blocker, but less irritating. It will be close to as good for sensitive skin as fully mineral filters, but leave far less of a white cast. Always choose a product with the broad spectrum label.




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